Jessica Farrell

Jessica Farrell, BSc Forensic Science

Current student Jessica tells us how her course is providing her with the knowledge and practical experience for a dream role as a forensic analyst.

Why did you choose to study your course?

I chose to study forensic science as it has always been a dream of mine to work within the criminal justice sector collecting forensic evidence such as blood, hair or fingerprints from a crime scene. I’ve always pictured myself in a lab coat analysing samples that have been collected from the scene.

What do you enjoy most about studying your course?

The part I enjoy most about studying forensic science at LSBU is how much practical work is involved within the course, every year we have learnt new skills. Within my 2nd year, Marks and Traces involved a mock crime scene, where we were put into small groups and became “crime scene investigators” for the hour, this was such an amazing experience as we all got to see what it was like to be under pressure when given a task. Going into my third year now I hope to carry on learning and gaining the experience I need.

What is your favourite module and why?

So far, my favourite module has been Forensic Biology, which covers the key concepts of forensic biology including some of the biological markers found in forensic science. It involved procedures and evidential material that is commonly encountered in investigations of crimes against the person such as homicide and assault. The reason this has been my favourite module is because human biology has always interested me greatly and learning about blood, blood spatter and the presumptive tests used to detect blood was one of the best parts of the module itself.

Have you experienced any specific trips, guest speakers or events connected to your course that you’ve enjoyed?

The fire investigation field trip was a great experience that happened in my 2nd year. We got to see our lecturer Clive use Virtual reality goggles that are used to train investigators with fire scenes when collecting evidence and how to do so.

What are your career aspirations and how is your course providing you with the skills and experience to reach your goals?

My career aspiration is to be a forensic analyst. My course is providing skills and experience needed to reach these goals with laboratories, mock crime scenes and courtrooms, it also includes knowledge of various roles that can be taken on after this course.

Did you attend any events on campus before applying or starting at the university?

I attended open day, which I advise to attend as you get to have an insight into what you would get up to over the three years at London South Bank, you will also get to see the labs and equipment that will be used.

What advice would you give to new students considering a course in your subject area?

Advice I would give to new students would be to never leave work too late, always complete notes for lab reports on that day, so it is still fresh on the mind and do some reading before you start.

What keeps you motivated?

Things that keep me motivated include my friends and family who have always believed in me and supported my decisions. Another reason I keep motivated is a career path that has always been my dream slowly getting closer, I make sure that I have time to relax by going to the gym and get involved within the Student’s Union with netball and rugby.

Learn more about our BSc Forensic Science course.