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Emma Wood, MSc Corporate Governance, employer-sponsored study

Emma Wood was working full-time as a company secretary when her employer presented her with the opportunity to gain a postgraduate degree

Having gained no qualifications above GCSE since leaving school, Emma has taken a non-traditional route to a successful career. Finding a university that fit with her demanding job, location and personal interests didn't prove easy, until Emma came across LSBU.

"While researching universities offering suitable courses I came across LSBU. The university offered the course I wanted in the right location which enabled me to attend lectures instead of distance learning. It was really important for me to be in an interactive learning environment."

Fitting it all in

While juggling a demanding work schedule, Emma found herself in the run-up to her wedding and meeting assignment deadlines all in the same week. Unfazed by the pressure, Emma thrives on the challenges a job and degree entail and is determined to make the most of them.

"Maintaining a healthy balance of work and home life has made my university experience quite stressful, however I have managed to achieve merit and distinction for my first two modules in semester one.

"One of the best things about studying at LSBU is the people. Staff and students are friendly and I have never felt like a 'part timer' while on campus. Also, it's amazing to have the opportunity to finally pursue higher education, which I've always wanted to do but couldn't afford."

Emma is aware that completing the course will broaden her job prospects and allow her to progress on to a role in corporate responsibility, which is what she ultimately wants to achieve.

Her route to LSBU

Emma had no idea what the Clearing process entailed but found the experience extremely easy and fast paced.

"I didn't finish college and obtained my qualifications through professional bodies while working. However, this wasn't a barrier to university. I was required to be assessed for course suitability during the Clearing period that took place in the summer as I wanted to come to university that same year."

Emma also got the chance to speak to an academic. Together, they discussed Emma's professional prospects and the academic was responsible for the final decision.

"I would advise anyone going through Clearing this summer not to panic and call the helpline regarding any questions as all the staff are really helpful and understanding."