Built Environment and Architecture Groups
The University's School of the Built Environment and Architecture has 3 Research Groups:
Acoustics Research Group
Head: Stephen Dance
The Acoustics Research Group has a 40-year history of undertaking applied research. We are world leaders in the field of audiology, speech, environmental acoustics and aural architectural design. The Group has access to the Acoustics Laboratory, a nationally leading facility equipped with cutting edge instrumentation. We are building on our collaborations with world leading institutions and organisations, such as Fosters + Partners and the Royal Opera House, to establish a world leading Group in applied research in and the teaching of, the fields of environmental and architectural acoustics.
Digital Architecture and Robotic Lab (DARLAB)
Head: Associate Professor Federico Rossi
The DARLAB research group aims to revolutionise architecture through the seamless combination of digital technologies and physical building processes underpinned by a unique digital robotic fabrication lab housed within the school of Built Environment and Architecture. Our research focuses on subtractive and additive manufacturing technologies used for building non-standardized architectural components with a focus on circular manufacturing. Our aim is to develop criteria for a new system of structural logic which can be applied to architecture and is intrinsic to digital fabrication. Additive fabrication can be described as a three-dimensional printing process. By positioning material precisely where it is required, we can use digital, additive fabrication to interweave functional and aesthetic qualities into a structure. Past and present industry partners include Volkswagen, Quayola, Titan Reality , Southwark Council, Dyson and European Space Agency.
Research into Architectural Innovation and Design (RAID)
Head: Professor Igea Troiani
Our research supports the development of liveable, productive, and sustainable cities, focusing on the user experience and underpinned by innovation in architectural design. We focus on three areas: 1) the human experience and social purpose of architecture as driving factors for design practice; 2) innovation in design methodologies for architectural education; 3) architectural aesthetics and the development of an authentic identity for mid-21st century architecture. The mission of our group is both to fortify design as a fundamental aspect of architecture and the 21st century city, with an aspiration to engender design in architecture through experimentation and pedagogy, and for our group to be recognised on an international level for its distinct approach to design methodologies.