Entrepreneurship and Innovation Institute

The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Institute works with a network of entrepreneurs, start-up experts, established businesses and social entrepreneurship organisations. We drive our students and graduates to be innovative, whether they start a new business, work as freelancers or gain employment with a company.

Our partners share their knowledge, experience and creativity with our students through:

  • leading practical skills workshops
  • delivering talks
  • mentoring students and graduate entrepreneurs
  • supporting start-up and accelerator programmes
  • providing live consultancy projects
  • providing internships and placements

Over the last academic year approximately 4,500 LSBU students and graduates engaged in enterprise-related activities, including 60 students registering new innovations, demonstrating their commitment to starting or growing their own businesses.

To provide our students with dynamic insights and relevant skills, we are always looking for new partners, mentors and speakers. To collaborate with the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Institute, get in touch.

The Institute is home to LSBU’s Student Enterprise team and Intellectual Property support.


Entrepreneurship and Innovation Institute Brochure

Download our Entrepreneurship and Innovation Institute Brochure (PDF File 2,933 KB).

Find out about the ways we can work together to help your organisation and promote student success.