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Equal Opportunities Information…

Faculty of Health and Social Care. Equal Opportunities Information. Policy. The University is committed to equality of opportunity both as an employer and as an educational institution. Equality of opportunity means working to ensure that no student

LSBU Executive expenses claims, Sept to Nov 2013…

Page 1 of 1. LSBU Executive expenses claims. Quarters September 2013 to November 2013. Claimant Purpose Details Date Incurred Amount £. Martin Earwicker Travel TFL Oyster card top-up 15 October 2013 20.00. Martin Earwicker Hotel Graduation

LSBU Executive Expenses claims…

Page 1 of 1. LSBU Executive expenses claims. Quarters January to April 2013. Claimant Purpose Details Date Incurred Amount £. Martin Earwicker Travel TFL Oyster card top-up 18 March 2013 40.00.

LSBU Executive Expenses Claims…

Page 1 of 1. LSBU Executive expenses claims. Quarters – May to August 2013. Claimant Purpose Details Date Incurred Amount £. Martin Earwicker Lunch Chancellor, VC and Dean of HSC Faculty 8 May 2013 114.30. Martin Earwicker Travel Employment

Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020…

28772-E. PP. -1-2. 014-1. -UK. -EP. PK. A3-E. CH. E. LONDON SOUTH BANK UNIVERSITY. Professor Phil Cardew. Pro Vice-Chancellor, Academic. UK LONDON066.

Gap Analysis and Action Plan…

Gap Analysis and Action Plan. to support the implementation of The Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers. Version 1 - March 2014. Seven Principles. of the Concordat. Clause Evidence for Current Compliance. Required/Suggested.


APPENDIX 1. PHOTOS OF DECENT HMO’S. HMO Standards. for bedsit type accommodation and shared houses. June 2015. 2. June 2015 HMO Standards. Introduction. Definition of HMO A house in multiple occupation is a property occupied

LSBU Executive expenses claims…

Page 1 of 1. LSBU Executive expenses claims. Quarters 3: 1st February 2012 - 30th April 2012. Claimant Purpose Details Date Incurred Amount £. Martin Earwicker Travel TFL Oyster Card Top Up 7th March 2012 £45.00. Martin Earwicker Lunch Chairman

LSBU executive expenses claims…

Page 1 of 1. LSBU Executive expenses claims. Quarters 4: 1st May 2012 – 31st July 2012 and Quarter 1 and 2: 1st August 2012 – 31st January 2013. Claimant Purpose Details Date Incurred Amount £. Martin Earwicker Travel TFL Oyster Card Top Up 8th

Financial Regulations…

27. FINANCIAL REGULATIONS UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2014. 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Introduction. 5 1.1 Purpose and Scope of the Regulations. 5 1.2 Compliance with the financial regulations. 5 1.3 Approval and amendment of the financial regulations. 5.

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Day in the life of our students

Business Management student, Margarida Nero
Law student, Trent Luton
Psychology student, Reyhan Turan
Game Design student, Luis Migel Enriquez
Computer Science student, Neyamut Azad
Biomedical student, Tasneem Murad
LSBU two students smiling

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The modules were carefully designed to provide a well-rounded education that equipped me with the necessary skills and knowledge for my future career.

Ricardo Scheel, Business Management Course
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